Rittenhouse Archives:
Complete Avengers Sketch Cards
My pencils started flying all over card stock immediately after hearing Rittenhouse Archives was putting together an Avengers set based on the Marvel comic book characters from the beginning of the series to present day. I jumped at the opportunity and had 40 samples ready to hand over to Rittenhouse’s Robert Kohlbus at the Philly Non-Sport card show. Unfortunately my zeal didn’t pay off, as Marvel was looking for action shots as opposed to the portrait images I had prepared. I quickly put together five appropriate sketches for submission, and handed them over for approval. Eventually I was committed to create 250 sketch cards for the Complete Avengers series.
At the outset of the project artists were given a list of approved characters, and the limitation that they could only draw ten sketches of a given character, additionally all the cards had to be in color. Given this freedom I decided that I wasn’t going to repeat any sketches. I was going to make each one unique. Using everything from Google searches to old George Perez comic books, action figures and statues I gathered my reference material, and began working on the cards.
In the meantime Artbox contacted me to work on their Frankenstein set. Their 250 cards had a very similar deadline to the Complete Avengers set. As if I didn’t have enough to draw Topps invited me to work on Lord of the Rings Masterpieces. How could I pass up that opportunity? That batch of 100 cards was due in less than four weeks! I toiled away for 18-hour days that started with LOTR in the morning, working up to Frankenstein in the afternoon and completed my evenings with the Avengers. Those were grueling times, but I managed to pull it all off, thanks to a deadline extension, hard work and sleepless nights.
The release date approached for Avengers, and oddly, I hadn’t heard back from Rittenhouse about my work. When I finally spoke with Robert he told me that Marvel didn’t approve of a single card out of the 250 that I drew. Initially, I thought he was joking with me, but it quickly became apparent that he wasn’t. Marvel had a list of reasons my cards didn’t get approved: 1. The sketches were not consistent with the submissions 2. The art was very two-dimensional 3.Images of the Thing and Red Skull had cigarettes and cigars 4.Spider-man’s symbol too small and he looked like the movie version.
This is a bunch of fluff. I will admit that the card stock Rittenhouse was using for this assignment wasn’t the normal stock. It didn’t take color pencil well, marker bled into the paper, so inking was a nightmare. Ultimately I am very proud of the work that I did, especially given all the circumstances with other deadlines and the issues with the paper. I really don’t think Marvel’s editor even looked at my cards. I don’t know, and I’ll probably never know, but for whatever reason not one of the 250 sketch cards I did were approved or put in packs. I was in shock for a few days, then depression set in. I talked back and forth with Rittenhouse; as they were trying to get my sketches resubmitted to Marvel. I have to say that Rittenhouse Archives is one top-notch company to work for. Robert and Steve had my back through this entire situation. I don’t hold them responsible, nor do I have any negative feelings for them. I will work for Rittenhouse in the future, possibly on another Marvel set provided the contract is written differently than the one used for the Avengers.
I ask you to look at these scans I took of my cards before they were submitted, look at these sketches and ask your self why these weren’t approved? It is stated in the contract I signed that disapproved sketch card would be destroyed, and I assume all the cards have been destroyed. I don’t not have any of them, but I could draw the a similar same image on a Celestial Dream Studio sketch art card.
Enough of my boring speech! Enjoy the cards you all were denied.
I do not own these cards, they are not for sale.
I do not own these cards, they are not for sale.
Complete Avengers sell sheets: